God’s in the Details

What I’m Listening to: He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands by Randy Travis

Have you ever looked up at the sky and marveled at how large the world that God created is? Sometimes it feels like you can see millions of miles in every direction, to the edges of the earth. In moments like that, it’s easy to feel insignificant. To feel as if in this whole galaxy, God can’t really care about one person. Maybe in a fleeting sense, but not in a personal, share everything, die for you kind of way.

People say that “the devil’s in the details” but I beg to differ. The devil is in the broad expanse, reassuring you that in such a great wide open there’s no way God actually cares about you. However, we must remember that doubt is the devil’s game. All he has to do is make us turn away from God, make us doubt the Lord’s total sovereignty, to win. It can be hard not to feel our insignificance at times, to wonder if there is really a loving God out there, watching over us and caring about the minutia of each of our daily lives, and yet, as much as the sky can inspire doubt, it inspires faith.

The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.

~ Psalm 19:1 NASB

We must remember that it is not about what makes sense to us, what we can show ourselves, but what we will hand over to God. It’s God who shows you the details, how he illustrated this whole world just for us. Yes, the sky is millions of miles wide, but look closer. Every square inch is constantly changing but always uniquely designed, always part of his plan. Every storm cloud, every sunset, every momentary shadow was designed by our Creator. If he took the time to create such an intricate sky; something so fleeting that we hardly ever take notice of it, don’t you think he put even more care into you?

“Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you—you of little faith!

~ Luke 12:27-28 NIV

Prayer Prompt: Ask God to help you see the marvelous detail that He has put into this world, and to help remove any doubt in your heart of His caring for you.

A (Literal) Miniskirt

What I’m Listening to: The Good, The Bad, and The Dirty by Panic! at the Disco

I’m back, finals are over and I’m wearing an actual miniskirt for once. Well, alright, it’s a dress but that’s semantics. It’s an adorable dress.

(P.S. look I put P!atD as my song for this post. I finally got around to listening to Death of a Bachelor over the last couple weeks of school and honestly it is my new favorite P!atD album… more things coming soon on my favorite music!)
